Make THE MOST of your business photos
by following these great tips to success

It’s never easy being the person in front of a camera. I would imagine that even Jennifer Aniston & Ryan Gosling get nervous before big shoots. While we can’t all be expected to be supermodels (wishful thinking!), there are certainly things you can do to have a relaxed & fun headshot experience.

- Stay away from flesh-tones, like light yellow, nude, or light tan. Clothes that contrast against your skin will look better.
- Avoid neon/bright/florescent/highlighter colors. It will wash you out.
- Look for jewel tones: navy, maroon/burgundy/ruby, emerald. These look good on just about everyone!
- Skip logos and busy patterns. We want to focus on you!
- Don’t worry too much about pants and shoes; the image will not capture anything below your hips – likely nothing lower than your waist.
- Practice posing in what you’re wearing. Seriously. You could rock the cutest outfit of all time, but if the only pose you’re comfortable with involves crossing your arms and that blazer is too snug to make it work, you won’t be happy!
- Practice in the mirror! Again – I’m totally serious here! True life: if I force a smile for the camera, I literally look dead inside. But when I think about something funny and let myself laugh a little, I look like me! I would never have realized that if I hadn’t spent some time in front of the mirror figuring it out. Be a little vain! Your headshot will thank you.
- Wear what accentuates your best features, and conceal what you’re not comfortable with. I don’t like drawing extra attention to my upper arms, so you can bet I won’t be going strapless!
- If you’re hoping to get a haircut sometime soon, aim to have it done about a week before your headshot. This gives you enough time to get used to styling your hair, and getting used to the look, and you don’t need to worry about an awkward just-cut look.

- Scoop or v-necks work best to elongate the neck.
- Simple jewelry is best. Statement necklaces or scarves work if they aren’t too busy, and earrings aren’t competing for attention.
- Chunky fabrics can make you look heavier, but too thin fabric can show lines through it, so watch the weight of what you are wearing. Textured fabrics tend to photograph well.
- Having your makeup done professionally is highly recommended. Here is the number to my personal makeup artist Tiffany 573-380-1038
- If you’re doing your own makeup….here are a few things to think about:
- Having false eyelashes makes a big difference. GET THEM!!
- Don’t forget about your lips! Even if you don’t regularly wear lipstick, a neutral shade can really help your lips pop a little.
- Make sure you contour. But don’t take this as an opportunity to copy Kim Kardashian. Keep it simple!
- Check YouTube/Instagram/Pinterest for makeup tutorials.

- You have it much easier than your female counterparts.
- If you’re clueless on what to wear, you can’t go wrong with a solid colored button down, rolled at the sleeves, with dark jeans or neutral colored pants.
- Facial hair is fine, but make sure to trimmed nicely.
- If you typically wear undershirts, make sure they aren’t visible under your top shirt (v-necks are easier to hide).
- Have a tailored look vs something that’s baggy & relaxed. Tuck in your shirt, grab a belt, and make sure your clothing is more fitted than loose.
let’s update your business photo
Contact me to check available dates and answer any questions you may have.